Alumni Spotlight | Acting Grad Stacey Taylor Makes Waves as YouTube Show Host

Stacey Taylor Beyond the Screen

Class of 2021 Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre grad Stacey Taylor recently landed a new gig reporting on the latest celebrity scandals and gossip for Top 10 Beyond the Screen – a YouTube channel with 405K subscribers.

Taylor credits her training at TFS for helping her to both discover her voice and learn how to write a good script – the two key ingredients that helped her land her new hosting job.

“My voice and acting teachers showed me it was okay to fall and get back up and try again; they made me realize that I have always had a voice and they showed me how to use it,” she said.

“That allowed me to show my (employers) that I’m more than a girl who can read a script. If it wasn’t for the intensive training at TFS, I would have never known how to use my voice to voice my opinions, and if it wasn’t for TFS I would probably still be the girl sitting in the corner too scared to go after my dreams.”

Taylor also gave props to two of her instructors – Glenda Macfarlane and Mark Brownell – for equipping her with the skills necessary to nail the script-writing portion of her audition for the Top 10 Beyond the Screen hosting job.

“With their guidance in class, they taught me how to take a simple story and to turn it into something powerful to make viewers want to see more,” she said.

“Both helped me understand that things don’t have to be big and over the top for it to make sense and sometimes just having things simple gets your point across better…so, when I went into the audition, I knew that my script was good and I knew I could trust my material.”

In addition to her hosting job, Taylor has also been “auditioning for everything” she can, and working on several short films to help build up her demo reel. She’s currently producing her own film series entitled, The Secrets of Monkton, which is set to begin filming this spring.


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