FAQs: COVID-19 and Toronto Film School’s Response to the Pandemic

In light of the current climate of uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we understand that many of you in our Toronto Film School community have questions and concerns – many of which we’ve attempted to answer here:  




1. What preparations has Toronto Film School made to ensure the safety of all students, staff and faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic? 


At Toronto Film School, the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is paramount. As concern around COVID-19 remains, we continue to closely monitor the situation and are committed to planning accordingly so that our response is measured and responsible in the context of global events.   


  • Toronto Film School has suspended all in-person classes until further notice. All on-campus courses have been temporarily replaced by a remote synchronous delivery of online instruction.   
  • All planned Toronto Film School orientations have been replaced by online orientations.    
  • All Toronto Film School events and gatherings planned for students are postponed until further notice.  
  • Once campuses reopen, cleaning and disinfection efforts will be increased at all Toronto Film School locations, especially in high-touch and high-traffic areas.  


2. Are on-campus classes cancelled?  


All in-person classes at Toronto Film School have been suspended until further notice and replaced by a remote synchronous delivery of online instruction.   


In addition, all planned Toronto Film School orientations have been replaced by online orientations, and all student events and gatherings have been postponed until further notice.   


3. When does the summer term begin? Will classes be back on campus?  


The summer term at Toronto Film School begins on July 13, 2020.  


As we approach the end of the spring term, we continue to closely monitor the situation. Currently, students can continue to earn their diploma through remote technologies and resume on-campus studies as soon as in-person instruction is deemed safe by the Province of Ontario. We expect the summer term, will predominately be offered online; however, plans are being made around studio classes and how they can be offered safely while respecting physical distancing. 


Full in-class studies will not resume until the Province of Ontario and City of Toronto deem it safe to re-open physical campuses. Currently, Ontario’s COVID-19 case numbers limit re-opening plans across the province. 


4.  Are Toronto Film School’s online programs be impacted at all?   


Online classes continue as normalbut Toronto Film School Online students are being offered increased opportunities to take in webinars and special online events, such as Toronto Film School’s new In Coversation speaker series.  


5. Who can I contact at the school for help? 


Toronto Film School remains open. Our student services and academic supports are delivered online, and we continue to add new tools and resources to meet the needs of our students. Email your program advisor or call 416-929-0121 ext. 1422 if you have any questions or concerns. 


If you are a new student and require assistance, you can call one of the following Admissions Hotlines: 


 Toll-Free – 844-697-9711 

– Local Montreal – 514-399-0661 

– Local Toronto – 416-941-2110 


6. What supports are available to students experiencing stress and anxiety surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic?    


Toronto Film School remains mindful of the stress and anxiety these types of situations can bring. Counselling services are available for those students who need them. Visit https://tfs.janeapp.com.  to make an appointment. 


7. Where can students access Toronto Film School’s updates about the COVID-19 pandemic? 


Toronto Film School will continue providing all the latest information about their COVID-19 plans to students, staff and faculty via online updates at https://torontofilmschool.ca/.  


Additional notifications are also being sent to new and returning students by email.   




1. What preparations has Toronto Film School made to ensure the safety of all students, staff and faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic?


At Toronto Film School, the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is paramount. As concern around COVID-19 remains, we continue to closely monitor the situation and are committed to planning accordingly so that our response is measured and responsible in the context of global events.   


  • Toronto Film School has suspended all in-person classes until further notice. All on-campus courses have been temporarily replaced by a remote synchronous delivery of online instruction.   
  • All planned Toronto Film School orientations have been replaced by online orientations.    
  • All Toronto Film School events and gatherings planned for students are postponed until further notice.  
  • Once campuses reopen, cleaning and disinfection efforts will be increased at all Toronto Film School locations, especially in high-touch and high-traffic areas.   


2. Is orientation impacted? How are orientation sessions taking place?  


Orientations will be conducted online via the video-conferencing software Zoom.    


Zoom orientation begins the week of June 15 and will continue for the four weeks leading up to the start date on July 13. 


Please make sure that you get in touch with your Admissions Advisor with your preferred email address and phone number to help us get in touch with you.   


3. When will the summer term begin? Will classes be back on campus?  


The summer term at Toronto Film School begins on July 13, 2020.  


As we approach the end of the spring term, we continue to closely monitor the situation. Currently, students can continue to earn their diploma through remote technologies and resume on-campus studies as soon as in-person instruction is deemed safe by the Province of Ontario. We expect the summer term, will predominately be offered online; however, plans are being made around studio classes and how they can be offered safely while respecting physical distancing. 


Full in-class studies will not resume until the Province of Ontario and City of Toronto deem it safe to re-open physical campuses. Currently, Ontario’s COVID-19 case numbers limit re-opening plans across the province. 


4. For international students who need to study online from their home country, what are the laptop and software requirements?  


Online study requires a basic laptop. As a Toronto Film School student, you will receive a free license to a student version of Microsoft Office.    


5. Who can I contact at the school for help? 


If you are a new student and require assistance, you can call one of the following Admissions Hotlines:  

  • Toll Free – 844-697-9711 
  •  Local Montreal – 514-399-0661 
  •  Local Toronto – 416-941-2110 


6. Where can students access Toronto Film School’s updates about the COVID-19 pandemic? 


Toronto Film School will continue providing all the latest information about their COVID-19 plans to students, staff and faculty via online updates at https://torontofilmschool.ca/.  


Additional notifications are also being sent to new and returning students by email.   




1. How can I protect myself from COVID-19? 


To help you protect yourself from possible infection, the following precautions are recommended:   


  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (preferred).  
  • Maintain at least 2 meters (6 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.   
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face.  
  • Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.  
  • Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call your healthcare provider in advance.  


2. I am currently experiencing flu-like symptoms. What should I do? 


If you are feeling ill, please refrain from visiting any of Toronto Film School’s campuses, but rather stay home and avoid contact with others.   


If you think you have 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms – i.e. fever, new cough, difficulty breathing, muscle aches, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, diarrhea – the Ontario Ministry of Health has created an online self-assessment tool to help you determine if you need to seek further care. You can take it here.  


If you’re still concerned about your symptoms, contact your primary health care provider. Ontario students can also call Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 to speak with a registered nurse.  


If you begin to experience serious breathing difficulties or other severe symptoms, visit your local emergency room or call 911.   


If you require academic assistance, please contact Admissions at admissions@torontofilmschool.ca with your full name, your student ID#, date of birth, preferred email address.   


3. What should I do if I recently travelled internationally?


Please do not visit any of Toronto Film School’s or campuses immediately upon your arrival in Canada. Public Health officials are urging travellers who have recently arrived from anywhere outside of Canada, including the United States, to:     


  • Self-isolate (i.e. stay at home and avoid close contact with others, including those in their home) for a total of 14 days.  
  • If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, difficulty breathing), call Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 or your primary care provider’s office.   
  • Call ahead prior to visiting any healthcare provider and let them know about your travel history and symptoms so that they can make special arrangements to see you quickly, provide testing, and ensure that they use proper infection control measures.  
  • Additionally, all those arriving from the Hubei Province of China, Italy or Iran are also advised to contact their local public health unit within 24 hours of landing in Canada.   


For more of the latest advice and information, visit Toronto Public Health’s website.   


4. What should I do if I’ve been instructed to self-isolate? 


Anyone who has arrived in Canada within the last 14 days has been asked to self-isolate for a period of 14 days.    


If a medical care provider or public health official has directed you to self-isolate, please heed their advice. Stay at home and monitor yourself for symptoms for 14 days, and avoid contact with other people to help prevent the spread of disease in your home and in your community in the event you become symptomatic.   


Toronto Film School has suspended all in-person classes until further notice, will be hosting all final assessments and examinations online, and has postponed the start of the Spring Term until April 20, so there is no immediate need to attend campus.   


 If you are experiencing symptoms of cold, flu, or other suspected symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you do not come to the campus and contact public health. In Ontario, call Teleheath at 1-866-797-0000 to speak with a registered nurse who can provide medical advice and guidance.   


If you require academic assistance, please contact Admissions at admissions@torontofilmschool.ca with your full name, your student ID#, date of birth, preferred email address.   



TFS Stage Production of 'Flock' Promises a Thought-Provoking Exploration of the Stories We Choose to Tell

Toronto Film School’s latest stage production, Flock, explores the ways we choose the stories that define us – both to ourselves and to the wider world. Directed by Jonathan Higgins, the 75-minute play is the latest from award-winning playwright John Kolvenbach, whose plays include the Olivier-nominated West End productions of Love Song starring Cillian Murphy …Read more