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Meet Anelle Dehghani: 2015 Valedictorian of the Film Production Diploma Program

Anelle Dehghani is the 2015 Valedictorian of the Film Production Diploma program at the Toronto Film School. In this Q&A Anelle talks about her passion for filmmaking and her advice to new Film Production students.


TFS: Where are you from?

AD: London, Ontario


TFS: What brought you to Toronto Film School?

AD: I was looking at different film programs and I found Toronto Film School. After further research and a tour of the school I decided that it was a good fit for me.


TFS: Why did you choose your program?

AD: I’ve always had an interest in making films, as well as telling stories. I didn’t want to learn only about the theory of film. The Film Production Diploma program at the Toronto Film School let me have a hands on education, which is the way I learn best.


TFS: Why do you think you were chosen as the Valedictorian for your program?

AD: I think I was chosen because I showed a great passion for what I do. I was greatly involved in the school and I worked on more than 30 student films during my time in the program. I think I can represent my program well due to the amount of work I did.


TFS: If you could offer one piece of advice to an incoming student, what would that be?

AD: I would say get on set as often as you can. You learn so much and meet so many amazing people who out of school can help you get your first gig. Be open to learning from people other than your teachers.


TFS: What is one of the most important things you have learned/experienced at TFS?

AD: I learned that the best thing you can do is get on set. Even if you aren’t getting paid and you’re broke for a while eventually you will get your first paying gig and it will only go up from there.


TFS: What keeps you motivated?

AD: Watching movies like La Vie En Rose, Grand Budapest Hotel and many other amazing films keeps me motivated. They remind me that the more I work at my craft the more creative I’ll become. Being able to make people feel an emotion because of something I’ve written would be the greatest achievement in my career and that is what I work for ever day.


TFS: What are your plans after graduation?

AD: I am working on my own production company with a few other graduates, as well as working for Raven Banner Entertainment.



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