Teamwork Makes the Dream Work | Priscille Beaulieau’s Video Game Design & Animation Story

As valedictorian of this year’s Video Game Design & Animation Diploma, Priscille Beaulieu has one message for her fellow Toronto Film School graduates:


“Do not forget what we did; we did as a team. We knew we could count on each other, and we helped each other when needed…teamwork makes the dream work.”



Born and raised in Montreal, the 27-year-old 3D artist grew up around art her whole life and was quickly drawn to painting and drawing.


But it wasn’t until she enrolled at Toronto Film School that she discovered the true depth of her creativity and passion for 3D art – thanks, in large part, to the guidance of her “excellent teachers” and support of her classmates.


“Thank you to Toronto Film School for all the help you have given us and for the wonderful teachers who have guided us,” she said.


“Thank you for an environment that encouraged us to grow and enabled us to develop our creativity.”


Beaulieu recently sat down to reflect on her time at Toronto Film School, her passion for 3D art, and her plans. Here’s what she had to say:


What brought you to Toronto Film School? Where were you in life when you decided to continue your studies with us? 


I heard about the Toronto Film School through an ad on Facebook. At a point in time, I was looking to further my studies in 3D, having followed a course in 3D Animation Design back in Montreal. At that point, I was not sure if I would be able to follow a course in English since my English, despite having improved since moving to Toronto about a year prior, was not the best. I talked with Walter about the program, and he got me interested, so I decided to give it a try.


What made you decide to pursue your passion for Video Game Design & Animation?  


I love 3D modelling, especially environment and props. Video game design was a great way of pursuing my passion.



What is the most important thing you’re taking away from your studies at TFS?


I have learned that no one can do everything alone. Having a team makes it easier and is better in both the short- and long-term when working on projects. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I am good at 3D modelling, but I am not good at animation or programming. Relying on someone whose strength covers my weakness is something I will not forget learning from my studies at Toronto Film School .


What are your plans after graduation, both immediate and long term? 


My immediate plans are to find a job, preferably in the industry. In the long term, I plan on developing my own games, maybe with other students from the school. 2020 has been a difficult year, but we survived it. Now I will be able to come out stronger and hopefully do something that I am passionate about.


If you offered one piece of advice to an incoming student, what would that be? 


My main piece of advice would be not to give up. Sometimes things will seem too difficult, but it’s important never to forget that you are not alone. The staff and your fellow students are there for you. This is a great chance for you to prove to yourself – and everyone else – that you can do this. Also, teamwork makes the dream work.



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Toronto Film School’s latest stage production, Flock, explores the ways we choose the stories that define us – both to ourselves and to the wider world. Directed by Jonathan Higgins, the 75-minute play is the latest from award-winning playwright John Kolvenbach, whose plays include the Olivier-nominated West End productions of Love Song starring Cillian Murphy …Read more