COVID-19 Update | March 26, 2020

In these uncertain times, each and every one of us here at Toronto Film School has a part to play in ensuring the health and safety of our community – both on campus, and in our broader community.


We at Toronto Film School maintain a strong belief that the best course of action for our students during these difficult times is to stay committed to their studies and connected to their peers. We’re doing everything in our power to enable them to do just that, in as safe and nurturing an environment as possible.


As concern around the COVID-19 pandemic grows, Toronto Film School is balancing that continued commitment to our students’ education and creative endeavours, with our increasing need to respond to the health and safety concerns of students, faculty and staff.


To those ends, we continue to monitor the situation closely and are committed to responding to all developments in as measured and responsible a way as possible, as outlined below.


Read Toronto Film School’s answers to some Frequently Asked Questions here.



Information for On-Campus Students:


  • Out of concern over the spread of COVID-19, Premier Doug Ford ordered the mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces in Ontario starting on March 25 for a minimum of 14 days. While students are being asked to stay home during this time, please remember that all our services at Toronto Film School remain readily available to you both online and over the phone – simply email your program advisor or call 416-929-0121 ext. 1422 if you have any questions or concerns.


  • Toronto Film School has delayed the beginning of our Spring term of study for on-campus students until April 20, at which time in-person classes will be temporarily replaced by the delivery of online instruction via synchronistic, scheduled classes.


  • All of Toronto Film School’s program directors are currently working with their faculty teams to actively prepare for these alternative forms of educational delivery, which could include a combination of online learning, live lectures broadcast via video-conferencing technologies, and other remote forms of instruction. Rest assured, students can look forward to receiving the same level of excellent instruction Toronto Film School is known for delivering; it will just be administered online until such a time as we can safely return to on-campus instruction.


  • Between now and the start of the Spring term, all students will receive an online orientation – including information about specific technology requirements – so that you can be fully prepared to take your courses online during this temporary disruption to in-class learning.


  • Between now and the April 20 start of the Spring term, we encourage all students to stay connected and to reach out to your program advisors, who are available through Zoom, email and AskTFS, with any questions or concerns you might have.


  • We at Toronto Film School also remain mindful of the stress and anxiety these types of situations can bring on. Counselling services are available for those students who need them. Simply visit to make an appointment.




Information for Online Students:


  • Online classes will continue as normal. The Spring term’s courses will begin on April 6, as scheduled.



How to Protect Yourself:


According to Toronto Public Health, the best way to prevent infection with COVID-19 is to avoid being exposed. Prevention measures include:

  • Practice physical distancing
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 15 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are ill
  • Stay home when you are ill
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately throw the tissue in the garbage and wash your hands
  • If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces




TFS Stage Production of 'Flock' Promises a Thought-Provoking Exploration of the Stories We Choose to Tell

Toronto Film School’s latest stage production, Flock, explores the ways we choose the stories that define us – both to ourselves and to the wider world. Directed by Jonathan Higgins, the 75-minute play is the latest from award-winning playwright John Kolvenbach, whose plays include the Olivier-nominated West End productions of Love Song starring Cillian Murphy …Read more